Should all locations have service points? Cate Boerema (26 Sep 2018 07:52 EDT)
Re: Should all locations have service points? Dr. Carsten Schwill (26 Sep 2018 09:15 EDT)
RE: Should all locations have service points? Cate Boerema (26 Sep 2018 11:18 EDT)
RE: Should all locations have service points? David W. Bottorff (26 Sep 2018 11:31 EDT)
Re: Should all locations have service points? Dr. Carsten Schwill (27 Sep 2018 11:03 EDT)
Re: Should all locations have service points? Wendy Wilcox (26 Sep 2018 11:16 EDT)
RE: Should all locations have service points? Cate Boerema (26 Sep 2018 11:22 EDT)
Re: Should all locations have service points? Wendy Wilcox (27 Sep 2018 11:06 EDT)

Re: Should all locations have service points? Dr. Carsten Schwill 26 Sep 2018 09:15 EDT

Hi Cate and RA SMEs,

this is an interesting question and it got me thinking on how to allow for different loan policies
for different loans like "inhouse" or "inter library", which could be processed by separate
services points. This distinction could be derived from the patron group ("local student" vs.
"ILL student") or perhaps we need another dimension like "request type" for loan rules. It also
might be useful to have some kind of "patron location", which would allow to differentiate
"own faculty professors" from "other faculty professors".

About associating fee/fine tables with service points I am not sure. The loan rule mechanism
might be a more sophisticated way of hooking them up. I picture it like this:
Loan-policies, fee/fine-policies and request-policies can be determined alike using "loan
rules" or better "cirulation rules". Thes rules are based upon the following dimensions:
- location (of item)
- patron group
- loan type
- material type
- collection (later)
- request type?
- patron location?
This approach would allow consistent view of all three aspects of the loan. Also fees/fines
would not need to be redefined for each one of several service point in a larger location.

In fact even back-office service points could process all items correctly without additional
configuration or manual intervention.

Service points do need exactly one location, if locations are being used to determine opening
hours and the postal address. On the other hand every location needs excatly one (main)
service point, if locations are being used for the transit logic.

So after all it might be useful and perhaps even elegant to use item-locations for determining
policies, service-point-locations for determining opening hours and addresses as well as
location-service-points for implementing transit routing:
- every item has one effective item-location (policies)
- every location has one effective location-service-point (transit routing)
- every service point has one service-point-location (address, opening hours)

In the end everything will be fine...  ;-)


Am 26 Sep 2018 um 11:52 hat Cate Boerema geschrieben:

> Hello RA SMEs,
> The developers are reconsidering the location-to-service point
> architecture and I've got a question for you that will inform their
> thinking.  The question is: should at least one service point be
> required for every location?
> Emma and I were discussing this and we realized that, probably, each
> location should have a service point.  After all, if you try to check
> in an item whose location doesn't have a service point, you won't know
> if it's home.  You won't be able to calculate its overdue fees
> (because the fee/fine tables will be associated with the service
> point) and you won't know the shelving lag time.  There probably many
> more impacts I am not thinking of at the moment.
> Our original designs (and, in fact, what has been implemented so far)
> support the ability to add locations to a service point.  If we need
> to require at least one service point per location, we are going to
> need to switch that around and ask users to add service points to
> locations instead.
> Let me know if you have any quick thoughts on this.  I'll try to get
> 10 minutes on the agenda for tomorrow to discuss further.
> Thanks much!
> Cate
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Dr. Carsten Schwill
Leiter Hauptabteilung Fachliche Leitstelle LBS Hamburg
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky
Von-Melle-Park 3, 20146 Hamburg
Tel.: 040-42838-4363