Feature question - anyone know if there are Jiras Erin Nettifee (01 Jul 2019 15:47 EDT)
Re: Feature question - anyone know if there are Jiras / delete users Uschi Klute (02 Jul 2019 14:37 EDT)

Re: Feature question - anyone know if there are Jiras / delete users Uschi Klute 02 Jul 2019 14:37 EDT


Thank you for raising this issue. I had thought about it some time ago,
but lost sight of it.

I found this:

"We will most like never want the functionality (at least not in the UI)
to permanently delete a user, just disable his access/priviliges."

My comment to that issue: Who is "we"? I do want to be able to delete a
user record, not only because of the GDPR rules:

"Insbesondere sollten betroffene Personen Anspruch darauf haben, dass
ihre personenbezogenen Daten gelöscht und nicht mehr verarbeitet werden,
wenn die personenbezogenen Daten hinsichtlich der Zwecke, für die sie
erhoben bzw. anderweitig verarbeitet wurden, nicht mehr benötigt werden,..."

the English version:
"In particular, a data subject should have the right to have his or her
personal data erased and no longer processed where the personal data are
no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are
collected or otherwise processed,..."

But there is another sentence:
"Die weitere Speicherung der personenbezogenen Daten sollte jedoch
rechtmäßig sein,... zu statistischen Zwecken..."
"However, the further retention of the personal data should be lawful
... statistical purposes..."
This argument is meaningless in my opinion, since the user data are
available in anonymous form in the Data Warehouse  for statistical
evaluations. The data in the User App should therefore be able to be

Also we have
In my opinion the anonymization (in the User App itself) will be not

Bye, see you tomorrow.

Am 01.07.2019 um 21:47 schrieb Erin Nettifee:
> Hi all,
> I’m trying to find if there are feature requests related to two user
> management tasks that public services staff will need – freezing a
> patron record, and deleting a patron record.
> Freezing would typically be if there is an error with incoming data from
> a feed system, and we know it’s an error and being worked on, and we
> don’t want it to impact a patron’s service.
> Deleting is pretty obvious, I would think – for us, if a patron is
> inactive and has no loans or fines, we would delete their record after a
> period of inactivity. Perhaps that’s in the API but not in the GUI?
> Anyone know if these features have been discussed?
> Erin
> --
> Erin Nettifee
> Pronouns: she/her/hers
> IT Business Analyst, Library Systems and Integration Support
> Duke University Libraries
> erin.nettifee@duke.edu <mailto:erin.nettifee@duke.edu>
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Uschi Klute
Verbundzentrale des GBV (VZG)
Lokale Bibliothekssysteme
Von-Melle-Park 3, 20146 Hamburg
Tel. 040/42838-6377
E-Mail uschi.klute@gbv.de