Certainly others should respond. However, let me suggest that this sort of searching may be more common and critical in targeted service environments that you may find in public libraries…particularly large regional, multi-branch libraries where outreach and service offerings may be geographically based.


In academic settings, address, meaning a local address ,(i.e. office address) for faculty or other identified populations could be important for delivery services.





Michael Winkler

Managing Director – OLE (Open Library Environment)


Make an Appointment: https://calendly.com/mdw233


From: folio-ra@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org [mailto:folio-ra@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org] On Behalf Of Cate Boerema
Sent: Wednesday, March 1, 2017 8:56 AM
To: user-mgmt@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org; folio-ra@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org
Subject: Searching users by address


Hello UM and RA SIG members,


I have a question I think can probably easily be answered by email.  I’m looking for some use cases for searching users by Address.  As most of you know, we plan to support multiple addresses per user in FOLIO, each with an “address type” (ideally library-configurable).  Some specific questions:



We have talked about how some address types are sensitive and will require special permissions to view and search.  For the purposes of this discussion, let’s just assume the person doing the search has the necessary permissions.


Thanks much!



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