I’m not going to be able to make it to Wednesday’s meeting, as I have a 3-day conference starting tomorrow. I’ll try to take a look at the link in #2.




From: user-mgmt@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org [mailto:user-mgmt@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org] On Behalf Of Chris Manly
Sent: Monday, February 6, 2017 2:23 PM
To: FOLIO User Management SIG <user-mgmt@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org>
Subject: Agenda for this week's meeting


Hi all,


Here is my proposed agenda for this Wednesday’s UM-SIG meeting.  If you have suggestions for additions/changes, please let me know:


1) Process check-in – How are people feeling about the process we’re using?  Any feedback or suggestions on how we can improve?  As we delve into more specific areas, do we need subject-area specific meetings?


2) FOLIO 2018 Release doc, User Management tab – Harry Kaplanian has put together a spreadsheet designed to gather requirements and define what should be included in the initial release of FOLIO.  There was some initial discussion of it at the tail end of the Product Council Face to Face, but it needs further review.  We’ve been asked to look at the User Management tab and give Harry our feedback.  Here is the doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Yf81Xmfwj40gT_sd2AE5ZdiYeDmJp3W4No1X7fNOEYc/edit#gid=1793259262


3) Circle back on user metadata items: Proxy, Notes, Patron block


4) Are there additional user metadata fields needed?


5) User permissions: What aspects of User Management app need to be permission-controllable.  User view, edit, create and delete is probably not granular enough.  Let’s discuss the specific metadata elements and functions and determine what should be rights-controlled. 



I realize that it is a rather packed agenda; some of it may get tabled to subsequent meetings.



Christopher Manly

Coordinator, Library Systems

Cornell University Library Information Technologies




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