Hello all,


First off, a reminder that we are not meeting tomorrow, January 18.  Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, January 25.  In the meantime, there’s some homework for your week off.  This suggestion came from Cate, and I endorse it as what I hope to be a good way to seed our next round of discussions:


1.      Contribute your suggestions for default Title values.  Suggestions should be added to the new Title Values tab in the User Metadata document: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/121RpsJNaewhQEKb7k58eNVIhZ7N9oSWowNRJGYjPJ2M/edit#gid=0

2.      Document (at a high level) your user creation workflows to present to the group in the next meeting

a.      Save your work in the new User Creation and Authentication Workflows folder here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B18Bhhmr94zaM1VEOUVhcUs0dkU

b.      You can use any format you’d like (document, worksheet, slide deck, screencast (e.g. Jing))

c.       Questions to answer:

                                                  i.      How are users (staff and patrons) created?

                                                ii.      How are they authenticated?  Where do they authenticate?

                                              iii.      What role do the various identifiers (e.g. username, institution ID, barcode) play?

                                               iv.      Does your organization use user PIN numbers?  How?

d.      If there is anything you particularly like or dislike about your current process, please note that, as well.


 Please take some time before next Wednesday and put together what you can from your institutions perspective.  Thanks!



Christopher Manly

Coordinator, Library Systems

Cornell University Library Information Technologies

