FOLIO Community,


I apologize for any cross-posting.  We want to make sure that all interested parties get the message. 


In preparation for the FOLIO Community Council election we need to identify which organizations will be members, which will determine which individuals are eligible to be elected to this council. There will be 15 seats on the Community Council. Only individuals who are employees of member organizations may be elected to the council. We are seeking a diverse membership and no more than one person from any organization can be elected.


As you know FOLIO has many needs, both financial and human resources in order to operate. There are hard costs for a project of this scale: collaboration tools, cloud infrastructure, other commercial licenses - these are required in order to enable a global team to create and deploy a world-class LSP. We also need people. Member organizations will be relied upon to provide the resources that make FOLIO viable and sustainable. The hard costs are (FY21) estimated to be roughly $135,000 per year. The project has a core team of 10-20 contributed individuals, who are creating and maintaining the FOLIO platform, independent from teams building new features. This brings the overall need to over $1,200,000. These are the resources that the membership program is intended to provide.


These needs require commitment from member organizations. We are asking you to declare your intention to commit resources, considering the membership levels referenced below in the Governance Model.  Any organization that has declared their intent by February 5 should be eligible to nominate candidates to the initial Community Council election.


Here is a link to the new Governance Model:


In the event that your organization is interested and able to commit resources to FOLIO, you can find a template MoU that we would use to formally document the commitment here:


Please let me or any member of the Task Force know if we can answer any questions for you.


Thanks for considering!


Thank you,


Jesse, on behalf of the Task Force


FOLIO Community Governance Task Force:


Mike Gorrell, chair

Scott Anderson

Harry Kaplanian

Kirstin Kemner-Heek

Jesse Koennecke





Jesse Koennecke

Director of Acquisitions and E-Resource Licensing Services

Cornell University Library



110C Olin Library

Ithaca, NY 14853

Work: 607-255-5680

Mobile/Text: 607-280-9181

Fax: 607-255-6110
