Hey Phil,


https://issues.folio.org/browse/UXPROD-1295?jql=labels%20%3D%20usermanagement I think is intended to capture the need for statistical codes (exactly the language you have.)


And then there is https://issues.folio.org/browse/UXPROD-1400


I did hear from Cate Boerema last week; she was cautiously optimistic that she had a PO in the pipeline for us, and was supposed to send an update by the end of this week.


Maura – are we convening tomorrow?





From: user-mgmt@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org <user-mgmt@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org> On Behalf Of Philip Robinson
Sent: Tuesday, July 9, 2019 3:21 PM
To: user-mgmt@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org
Subject: User department code and field of study




Cornell has a topic I’d like to bring forward in User Management – how should we capture a user’s (patron’s) department and field of study? These are important pieces of information for us, as they most likely are for other institutions as well.


By way of background, we use “patron stat codes” in Voyager for reporting on collection usage by patron demographic, such as college, department, and field of study. Stat codes can capture additional information on faculty, staff, and students. Unfortunately over the decades we have something like 10,000 junk stat codes, and 150-ish useful stat codes. Ideally college, department, and field of study would all be discrete data elements attached to a user.


Patron demographic information is used to inform a lot of our collection development and funding decisions, so the Cornell report developers would at least want this captured in custom fields, if this information cannot be included in the User Management app.


Here are a few JIRA references: 

https://issues.folio.org/projects/LDP/issues/LDP-55?filter=allissues (Store custom fields from apps in LDP) https://issues.folio.org/projects/REP/issues/REP-221?filter=allissues (Active patrons by stat code)


UXPROD-1311 has Courses Control Vocabulary: Departments, submitted by Anya Arnold in 2018. UXPROD-1311 


If this has already been discussed, I would be interested in knowing which JIRA is capturing it. If not, would we be willing to bring it forward in a JIRA?







Philip Robinson

Director of Library Systems

Cornell University

(607) 255-0098



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