Yes – I agree permissions are lagging behind. The group functionality is there, but it’s very basic, and there’s currently no programmatic way to generate or manage groups. You have to create groups by hand, and then assign people by hand.




From: <> On Behalf Of Philip Robinson
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2019 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: Updates from the DC meeting




Erin’s notes well encapsulate the relevant meetings and discussions.


Regarding Tuesday’s permissions discussions, Martina Schildt presented a nice diagram of how her library would like to implement grouped permissions in FOLIO. I was surprised by how far the project is from being able to implement them (as Teams or otherwise). Hopefully they will move that forward, as we have convenient permissions groups in Voyager that would be great to have in FOLIO as well.


It was a very good meeting overall, and nice to get to know many of the players in this ecosystem.





Philip Robinson

Director of Library Systems

Cornell University

(607) 255-0098



From: <> on behalf of Erin Nettifee <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Wednesday, June 19, 2019 at 4:12 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: Updates from the DC meeting


Hi UM folks:


Wanted to send an update about relevant topics discussed at the Face to Face meeting. I know Michelle and Phillip are also here, so they can chime in with stuff they heard or things I missed. And if you had colleagues who came here when you weren’t able to, I encourage you to meet with them to ask them to dump info with you. There has been a lot of information sharing and discussion. My brain is leaking out of my ears. I’ll try to highlight things that I think might be of interest.


I heard no concrete updates about a PO for us. As far as I know, they are still looking.














Erin Nettifee

Pronouns: she/her/hers

IT Business Analyst, Library Systems and Integration Support

Duke University Libraries


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