
The plan for the Stripes 1.0 is as follows:

* Jeffrey Cherewaty (Frontside) will take over from Taras Mankowski as the person to coordinate the document. 

* He will have a new draft ready later today The plan for this draft is to identify weaknesses/threats in the framework and propose ways to address them. 

* The document will be renamed to "Stripes ecosystem evaluation" to reflect the fact that it has a slightly different purpose (Stripes 1.0 is already out but the original document did not have any impact on its scope)

* Jeffrey will put together conversations around the document, involving the guys from the stripes-architecture team. Those conversations will generate priorities for things captured in the document.

* Jeffrey will present the document and the priorities to the TC for review in the week of Oct 29. We will have the pleasure of trying to figure out how to find resources to address those priorities.

That is all.

Jakub Skoczen