I think there is an error in the timezone display.  What is showing up on Doodle is 11am, not 10am.

On Jun 27, 2018, 1:40 PM -0400, Mike Gorrell <mdg@indexdata.com>, wrote:

The results of the Doodle Poll indicate that 10:00am (Eastern US) on Wednesdays are the best times - all but David indicated that this spot worked:

There were 2 slots that had 6 votes - on Thursday at 10am Eastern (one only if necessary) and a Monday slot at 7am Eastern (3 only if necessary). 

David - it would be GREAT if you could arrange to make the Wednesday 10am Eastern US time slot - then we’d be unanimous.

Also, the doodle listed 1.5 hours, and as Jakub pointed out earlier that’s quite stressful on his schedule and he’d likely have to drop after an hour. I propose to reserve 90 minutes but try hard to finish in 60.

We can discuss at tomorrow’s call. 11am.



FWIW: Doodle poll: https://doodle.com/poll/97fm6b4fkba5ndcz

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