TC:The results of the Doodle Poll indicate that 10:00am (Eastern US) on Wednesdays are the best times - all but David indicated that this spot worked:There were 2 slots that had 6 votes - on Thursday at 10am Eastern (one only if necessary) and a Monday slot at 7am Eastern (3 only if necessary).David - it would be GREAT if you could arrange to make the Wednesday 10am Eastern US time slot - then we’d be unanimous.Also, the doodle listed 1.5 hours, and as Jakub pointed out earlier that’s quite stressful on his schedule and he’d likely have to drop after an hour. I propose to reserve 90 minutes but try hard to finish in 60.We can discuss at tomorrow’s call. 11am.Thanks.-mdgFWIW: Doodle poll: unsubscribe from this list please go to