Registration link


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From: "Sullenger, Paula A" <>
Subject: [product-c] REGISTRATION for FOLIO Face-to-face meeting - Crystal City, DC - June 17-19
Date: April 24, 2019 at 1:20:22 PM EDT
To: "" <>

I am resending the registration information for the June FOLIO working meeting as a reminder that folks should register soon.  The registration fee is $99 to help offset some of the costs.
From: [] On Behalf Of Jesse T. Koennecke
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 8:41 AM
Subject: [product-c] FOLIO Face-to-face meeting - Crystal City, DC - June 17-19 - Registration information
Product Council and SIG Conveners,
Our FOLIO Face-to-face meeting is just over 2 months away.  A small planning group has been working with SIGs and others to plan the agenda for the three day meeting, and we think we have enough information ready for people to decide if they want or need to come. Please work with your constituencies to determine who can and should attend and get the registration info out, so they can make travel plans ASAP.  We would like to have a good mix of subject matter experts, product owners, and where necessary, developers.  There will not be specific developer tracks, nor will all developers be planning to attend, so if your group thinks you need any developers present, please coordinate with them or your product owners to make that clear.  We will plan to have Zoom available when needed individuals to participate in meetings if they are essential, but unable to be present in person.
Please note that this meeting will be for working sessions, and there will be no general information sessions.  A larger WOLFcon, covering FOLIO and other Open Library projects more generally, will be held at a later time.  If your group is meeting you should make every effort to attend.  Most of the groups are planning on having working sessions that last most of the 2-3 day period.  These working sessions will not include any introductory or background information, so they really are only for current members of the groups.  
The registration form asks people to check off which groups they are affiliated with.  This will really help us determine which rooms to use and which sessions can run concurrently.
The registration page also includes this link to the tentative agenda:
The overall list of planned sessions will probably not change significantly, but we will flesh out descriptions, identify moderators/organizers, and start to line up a more detailed schedule soon.  Hopefully here is enough information here now for groups to figure out who should plan to attend.  
Additionally, there are rooms being held at the hotel (link on the registration page) for about 4 weeks.
Product Council members: Please work with your institutions and staff working on FOLIO to identify who should and is able to attend.
SIG Conveners: Please work with your SIGs to sort out whether everyone on the SIG should try to attend, or if key individuals can cover the topics.
Looking forward to a productive face-to-face meeting.
Thank you,

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