For tomorrow's TC call (based on a message composed by Jesse Koennecke earlier today).  The FOLIO Face-to-Face Meeting planning group is working with various FOLIO groups and SIGs to set the agenda for the June 17-19 meetings in DC.  I put the list of our sessions out on the TC Slack channel earlier today.  We have put out a tentative list of session based on feedback from various SIG and groups to help people decide if they need to attend.  Now we would like to get the agenda more settled.  To this end, we would like the various groups who have proposed sessions to fill out the following form for each session they think they need.  A few key pieces of information we are looking for this time:

If their topics are the same as originally proposed, then they can copy and paste from the Meeting Details or Meeting List tab here:
We would like to have as many of the sessions described as possible by Friday, April 26, so attendees can finalize their travel plans. We know that some of these details may change between now and the actual meetings. Please use the information you have now to help us get our sessions scheduled and we will update as needed.  The planning committee has a form for gathering responses (, but if we can agree on the details tomorrow, I'll fill out the form.
