as I cannot participate today, just some thoughts regarding the codex discussion.
I can fully identify with the comments of Sebastian Hammer in the wiki (https://wiki.folio.org/display/TC/The+Codex+Vision+-+TC+Review). Although
I can follow Codex‘ core ideas, I believe that it mixes two separate semantic levels, i.e., the domain model and the technical level. From my point of view, the “new” codex is no domain. Instead it is motivated by a technical desideratum. This desideratum
is mostly the wish to limit the complexity of inter-module connections. However, I believe that the inventory module can pretty much fill this role. Particularly, because a lot of effort has already been invested into its implementation.
From a conceptual point of view this would push the inventory module into the center –something you would like to avoid to prevent the whole architecture from shifting towards a monolithic build. Thus, from a microservice
perspective, I would assume that the inventory module needs some division work to clean it up. This might also address some search issues outlined by Vince. However, this would be much more cost-effective than to put over a whole new data model coming with
codex over the existing works.
Dr.-Ing. David Zellhöfer
Head of Unit "Applications and Data Management of the Library Core Processes"
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Potsdamer Straße 33
10785 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 266-43 22 00
Fax: +49 30 266-33 20 01