Dear colleagues,


as technical issues didn’t allow my participation yesterday, a short question for the mailing list:


when will the OTS report be released officially?


I will have to update our head librarian soon regarding the state of FOLIO and the report would be a valuable resource for me.


I could pretty much identify with the report, particularly the documentation issues. When I was sent to the TC last summer, I was simply overwhelmed by the amount of documentation and its distribution to different places. I would suggest to make this issue a priority if we want to facilitate participation that is not necessarily permanent. Right now, I would assume that it is nearly impossible for a library to participate for a short period of time in order to contribute a certain functionality.








Dr.-Ing. David Zellhöfer

Head of Unit "Applications and Data Management of the Library Core Processes"

Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz


Potsdamer Straße 33

10785 Berlin


Tel.:       +49 30 266-43 22 00

Fax:       +49 30 266-33 20 01