About Vagrant for Edelweiss and others releases
Zeno Tajoli 28 Jan 2020 06:38 EST
Hi to all,
I check the list of Vagrant boxes at https://app.vagrantup.com/folio
The only release available are:
-- Bellis [Q1-2019]
-- Aster [Q4-2018]
-- Q3-2018
Others releases of 2019 are not present.
So, what do we plan to do ?
To test/try FOLIO Vagrant boxes are much more easier to follow "FOLIO
deployment: single server" at
Zeno Tajoli
Zeno Tajoli
System Librarian
Via Quintino Sella, 33 - 00187 Roma
Tel +39 06 89873504 - Fax +39 06 89873496
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