Present myself and recommended RAM for FOLIO Zeno Tajoli (14 Jan 2019 06:18 EST)
Antw: Present myself and recommended RAM for FOLIO Ingolf Kuss (14 Jan 2019 06:30 EST)
Re: Present myself and recommended RAM for FOLIO Wayne Schneider (14 Jan 2019 13:56 EST)

Present myself and recommended RAM for FOLIO Zeno Tajoli 14 Jan 2019 06:17 EST

Hi to everyone,

I'm sorry for last meeting problems, it was the first time that I use Zoom.
As Ingolf writes in meeting notes
( I'm still
onbording on @Cult.

In my past work I do 'quite everything' for Aleph, from translate
dovumentation to create new tables/indexes on Oracle or write perl
script for LDAP or Shibboleth integration.
I do similar operations also on Koha, two specific Italian ILS, Vufind,
OJS and also EZproxy.

Now in @Cult I'm working on understand Folio at 360°. I will try to
chack installion / maintenance of Folio on Linux RedHat/Centos enviroment.

Well, about.
Reading the mmeting notes and as I remember from the live meeting,
now to install and run a Folio Q4 2018 server with everything in a
single server the recommended RAM  is 24 GB.
Is it correct ?
And the  recommended RAM for build Folio Q4 2018 from sources ?


Zeno Tajoli
System Librarian

Via Quintino Sella, 33 - 00187 Roma
Tel +39 06 89873504 - Fax +39 06 89873496

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