That method would also be valid. I was really thinking about - if there are just a few minor changes one would want to make regarding the reference data when bringing up the modules. Or, if one wanted to stand up Folio very quickly for their entity to look at and use, but have it look and feel more like it would for that entity - in regards to the reference data.

Jason Root
Systems Administrator I
Digital Initiatives
Texas A&M University Libraries

From: <> on behalf of Wayne Schneider <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 12:16 PM
To: sysops-sig
Subject: Re: Reference and sample data loading
Jason, you wrote:

I would want a function to pass or define these data with an environment variable as the module spins up and registers with the tenant.
You have already mentioned that user groups are reference data. I would like to see the ability to pass in the names of these groups via environment variables during the init.

I'm not sure how environment variables would work with the multi-tenant design...but at that point (where you're specifying all your reference data via some as-yet-undetermined facility) why not just provision it yourself with a script, rather than loading the standard set from the module? Assuming that we can choose whether or not to load the standard data via a parameter or property on the tenant install endpoint.

On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 2:06 PM Jason Root <> wrote:

Hello all,

My biggest questions are around what data exactly are considered reference data? For example, are organization data considered reference data? Or service points?

If so, I would want a function to pass or define these data with an environment variable as the module spins up and registers with the tenant.

You have already mentioned that user groups are reference data. I would like to see the ability to pass in the names of these groups via environment variables during the init.

Jason Root
Systems Administrator I
Digital Initiatives
Texas A&M University Libraries

From: <> on behalf of Wayne Schneider <>
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2018 11:24 AM
To: sysops-sig
Subject: Reference and sample data loading
Hello, all. In our SIG meeting last Friday, I spoke briefly about the work going on to support JIRA issue FOLIO-1519 (, for creation of reference data (i.e., data that are referred to by other data -- for example user groups are referred to by users, so in order to create a full user record, a tenant needs to have some user groups defined) as well as sample data.

The approach that the core team is taking is to extend the tenant interface definition to allow a module to load reference data as part of the tenant initialization process. The reference data would reside with the module code (as it does already for several modules). The tenant interface would allow for the reference data not to be loaded, to allow tenants to decide if they would rather create their own set of reference data. This would eliminate the need for any extra scripting to put reference data into storage as part of standing up a system.

The response in the meeting was positive, but given how little time I had to collect feedback, we agreed that I would send out a note to give members a chance to respond. If you see problems with this approach, please feel free to respond to me or to the list. Thanks!

Wayne Schneider

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