Dear group,

Is there any issue you can think of to raise on behalf of the SysOps & Mngmt SIG tomorrow in the PC meeting with conveners ?
Is there any issue to raise on behalf of the Data Migration Subgroup ?

does anyone have propsals for agenda items for the group meeting on Friday ?
Is there anything you would like to discuss on Friday ?

Wouldn't it be useful to review the status of the Action Items for Development, ?
@Harry: Are there any news to the JIRA-Tickets / the work going on ?

I was also wondering about the status of the work on the Integrations. We collected the integrations in the wiki, here
We (Tod, Chris and I) also put that into the FOLIO Backlog, and Harry went over it and transfered that into JIRA-Tickets.
Harry, can we get an update on that ? I am asking, because the Integrations are not part of the "Action Items for Development"  so I don't want to get them out of the focus.
Also, we have a new member, Kathleen Berry from the University of Massachusetts Libraries, who is interested in data integrations.

Best regards,


Dr. Ingolf Kuss
hbz - Hochschulbibliothekszentrum NRW
Postfach 270451
50510 Köln
Tel.: (+49) (0) 221 400 75-161