Dear group,

I prepared a presentation for tomorrow's PC meeting in which I am supposed to present our "priorities", see the attachment.
It will be impossible to present all this in 5-10 minutes; but maybe in 15 minutes.

Please view my presentation and send me any comments you have.
Some questions and comments by me:
- I combined the Okapi/Stripes admin tool and the Bootstrapping Tool, SYSOPS-007 and SYSOPS-010 on one slide.
- "User-loads may be an exception, because a single bulk-loader for on-going data feeds may be sufficient here" -- did I understand this correctly ? On-going data feeds is opposite/complementary to initial bulk loading, but not for user data ?
- "Need to migrate bibs, holdings, items, circulation history, orders, requests, etc." - correct ? Present this (incomplete) list for Migration Tools or better say nothing to this ?
- don't remember: Gap analysis for inventory has been finished in data migration subgroup. Did we report the gaps to the corresponding SIG conveners ? (which SIGs are involved ?)
- HR-IDs: "for referring purposes on e.g. users, instance, holdings, items; accession no. call no., PO no., vendor code, fund code, location code etc." --- Present this (incomplete) list for UUIDs or better say nothing to this ?
- I feel we will have to give more specifications to "Logging and Debugging Standards for Module Implementation"

Thank you for your taking your time,


Dr. Ingolf Kuss
hbz - Hochschulbibliothekszentrum NRW
Postfach 270451
50510 Köln
Tel.: (+49) (0) 221 400 75-161

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