Anne, I definitely removed the fields that you requested.




From: Anne Highsmith []
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2018 2:04 PM
Cc: Patricia Wanninger <>; Charlotte Whitt <>; Ann-Marie Breaux <>
Subject: Re: Exemplar data


CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.


Texas A&M requested that all 9xx fields be deleted from bib records EXCEPT 948, 949, and 955, because various other 9xx fields contain price data.


(If anonymize isn't a word, it should be. We certainly use it enough.)



Anne L. Highsmith

Clinical Associate Professor

TAMU Libraries

5000 TAMU

College Station, TX   77843-5000

979 862 4234


On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 12:53 PM, Wayne Schneider <> wrote:

Thanks, Patty! Are these records already "anonymized," or is that technical work still to be done? What are the requirement for "anonymization"? Is that even a word?




On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 11:46 AM, Patricia Wanninger <> wrote:

Pursuant to your note on the Migration Sub-group’s agenda this morning, I am sharing with you a folder of “Exemplar records” gathered last year by Ann-Marie Breaux and Marc Keepper from Cornell, Texas A & M, and Lehigh.


Also included in the file is the instructions to the providers of the data; the intent was to get a set of records that would test various scenarios such as alternate graphic title, voluminous holdings, large notes, etc.


As long as the holdings are anonymized (i.e. locations and local data such as pricing) are removed, the libraries are willing to share the data with everyone.


The Migration subgroup thinks this reproducible demo set should have at least a million records in it, so we are recommending that 1 million or so records be added from the Harvard data that Charlotte Whitt has access to.


If you’d like to discuss further, just let me know.






Patty Dwyer Wanninger, MLS

FOLIO Lead Implementation Consultant

Mobile: 414.510.8834

Watch a video


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