Hello Sharon,

OK, thanks. See you on Thursday then. I will report on the two issues.


Dr. Ingolf Kuss
hbz - Hochschulbibliothekszentrum NRW
Postfach 270451
50510 Köln
Tel.: (+49) (0) 221 400 75-161
e-mail: kuss@hbz-nrw.de

>>> Sharon Wiles-Young <slw0@lehigh.edu> 09.01.2018 14:23 >>>
Hello Ingolf,
Holly will be discussing the changes to the Sys Op & Management charge so I think it would be good to announce your SIG's needs. I would like to get them in front of PC especially as we get closer to the meetings in Madrid so there recognition of the needs. I will try to hold off on your issues until you arrive. I will start with Holly.
Thank you for your message, Sharon

On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 6:07 AM, Ingolf Kuss <KUSS@hbz-nrw.de> wrote:
Hello Sharon,

in last week's SysOp & Mngmt SIG meeting we have found that the SIG has two issues it would like to take to the PC.
These are:
1. A list of integration points for external integration requirements.
These points need development and in order to get that into the pipeline we want to take the list to the PC.
We will add lines to the FOLIO Feature Backlog, SysOps Tab, describing these points.

2. The SysOps SIG lacks a Product Owner.

Please schedule these issues to be on the agenda of one of the next PC meetings.
Please note that since the SysOps SIG meets Thursdays from 9 to 10 AM, I can only join the PC meeting half an hour after its beginning, thus shortly after 10 AM.

Best regards,

Dr. Ingolf Kuss
hbz - Hochschulbibliothekszentrum NRW
Postfach 270451
50510 Köln

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