Dear Craig,

Good luck in your new position and remember: You always meet twice in life !

Best wishes,


Dr. Ingolf Kuss
hbz - Hochschulbibliothekszentrum NRW
Postfach 270451
50510 Köln
Tel.: (+49) (0) 221 400 75-161

>>> "Boman, Craig" <> 05.07.19 20.45 Uhr >>>
Hi all,
I have greatly appreciated the opportunity to observe and participate in many of the Folio discussions over the last year. Today is my last day at Miami University libraries. Although there is continued interest in Folio at Miami, I don't expect anyone to participate over the next 6-10 months or so until a replacement is found. I will be joining the library technology vendor community, but not in a position to participate in Folio. 

I wish you all the best and I hope to be at a Folio library soon. 


Craig Boman, MLIS (Ph.D. student)
Discovery Services Librarian and
Assistant Librarian
Miami University Libraries

302 King Library
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7511-4078

"There is no education as that which comes from participation in the constant stream of events." - Jane Addams (1902, p. 93) Craig Bowman Craig Bauman

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