Hi everyone,


I cannot attend the face-to-face meeting. From my point of view an interesting topic would be how an update strategy for Folio will look in a productive environment. If the early implementers start in 2019 or early 2020 with a folio system and a bunch of modules, how will they be able to incrementally update their system in a live environment? We are currently (re)deploying whole systems. I am still not so deep into Folio, so please correct me if I am wrong: but for it seems we are still lacking a pratical strategy for this area. We only have the vision that we can easily switch and replace modules in and out. How will the dependencies be resolved? Will there be like an update tool that show which new versions of the modules are available and installs them with dependencies?






Florian Ruckelshausen

University library

Otto-Behaghel-Straße 8

35394 Gießen



phone: ++0049-641-99-14077

email: florian.ruckelshausen@bibsys.uni-giessen.de


Von: sysops-sig@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org <sysops-sig@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org> Im Auftrag von Harry Kaplanian
Gesendet: Freitag, 3. Mai 2019 14:55
An: sysops-sig@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org
Betreff: Re: Antw: Cancelled: SysOps meeting on Friday


I do have a few questions for the group relating to the face to face FOLIO meeting in June.


If folks could give me a quick answer during the time we would normally meet, this will prove super useful for the F2F planning meeting I’ll be taking part it at 1pm today.






From: <sysops-sig@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org> on behalf of Ingolf Kuss <KUSS@hbz-nrw.de>
Reply-To: "sysops-sig@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org" <sysops-sig@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org>
Date: Thursday, May 2, 2019 at 11:51 AM
To: "sysops-sig@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org" <sysops-sig@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org>
Subject: Antw: Cancelled: SysOps meeting on Friday


CAUTION: External E-mail


Hi all,


I came back from vacation today. I haven't watched any meeting recordings, yet, nor did I catch up with the chat, yet.

I will support canceling the meeting on Friday, unless someone else will come up with an agenda item.






Dr. Ingolf Kuss

hbz - Hochschulbibliothekszentrum NRW

Postfach 270451

50510 Köln

Tel.: (+49) (0) 221 400 75-161

e-mail: kuss@hbz-nrw.de






>>> Dale Arntson <arnt@uchicago.edu> 02.05.2019 09:32 >>>

Hi all,


I was not able to secure an agenda for the upcoming SysOps meeting on

Friday, so I am going to cancel. Ingolf should be back from vacation the

following week. If you have an idea for a meeting topic for the

following Friday, let him know. Notes and recording are available for

last week's talk on Edge modules, for anyone who may have missed it.


Enjoy the break. See you all next week.




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