Hi Zeno,

I heard some people have written their own scripts for direct import. But, as you are saying, this will not be the proposed standard.
When the migration loaders will be ready, the imports can be done by means of them. The data to import must be in JSON schema (except for inventory which might be in MARC).

- Ingolf


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>>> Zeno Tajoli <zeno.tajoli@atcult.it> 13.03.2019 10:05 >>>
Hi to all,

after the two last meetings of Data Import subgroup,

i have a question about how I can plan data imports for migration from
others ILS.

The proposed standard is to use REST endpoints described in JSON schemas
and RAML documentation files ?

No direct import into db layer ?

Zeno Tajoli

Zeno Tajoli
System Librarian

Via Quintino Sella, 33 - 00187 Roma
Tel +39 06 89873504 - Fax +39 06 89873496


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