Hi Sebastian,
Thanks for weighing in. Given my schedule this past year, I understand about travel.
My impression is that the WG is basically in a holding pattern until the FOLIO early implementers are up and running, at which point the PC and SIGs may be able to devote some attention to related communities like SC&A. In any case, my take is that the group needs a new focus--and fresh leadership. I'd be happy to pitch in--my department is still very interested in what's going on in this space--but only if there's interest in this group and the larger community.
-----Original Message-----
From: speccoll-archives@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org <speccoll-archives@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org> On Behalf Of Sebastian Hammer
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2018 9:56 AM
To: speccoll-archives@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org
Cc: Paula Sullenger <psullenger@library.tamu.edu>; Jesse Koennecke <jtk1@cornell.edu>; Michael Winkler <mdw233@cornell.edu>
Subject: Re: SpecColl_Archives No official SC&A call today, but I'll be on Zoom
Hi Aaron, all,
I'm really sorry I have been missing the last few meetings due to a particularly grueling travel schedule. I am on the road this week as well.
That being said, I think your instinct may be right and the WG may have contributed what it can for the time being. Since the focus of mainstream FOLIO is very much on getting libraries running the software and real attention from SC&A stakeholder likely to come after that, right now the whitepaper may be the best we can do in pushing for attention on our concerns in relevant SIGs.
On 10/22/18 10:27 AM, Aaron Trehub wrote:
> All,
> No scheduled SC&A call today, but I’ll be on Zoom at 2:00 PM
> Eastern/1:00 PM Central in case anyone wants to stop by with thoughts
> on the WG. As I mentioned in my last e-mail: if the WG has served its
> purpose, it can be stood down. I’d rather hear from the group on that
> than make a unilateral decision, however.
> Best,
> Aaron
> Aaron Trehub
> Assistant Dean for Technology and Head, Special Collections & Archives
> Auburn University Libraries
> 231 Mell Street, RBD Library
> Auburn, AL 36849-5606 USA
> +(334) 844-1707 office
> +(334) 750-1695 mobile
> Skype: ajtrehub
> E-mail: trehuaj@auburn.edu <mailto:trehuaj@auburn.edu>
> https://orcid.org/sites/default/files/images/orcid_16x16.gif
> orcid.org/0000-0002-0296-5792
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