Hi Aaron,
I’m going to miss the meeting again today, my apologies. I am curious, under item 3 in the minutes from last week, what is meant by adding a discovery layer for Archives Space? Is this separate from the Public
User Interface that ArchivesSpace has? Or specific to Folio in some way (such as making certain ArchivesSpace is indexed by the codex ad/or inventory apps?
From: speccoll-archives@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org <speccoll-archives@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org>
On Behalf Of Aaron Trehub
Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2018 9:23 PM
To: speccoll-archives@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org
Cc: Paula Sullenger <psullenger@library.tamu.edu>; Jesse Koennecke <jtk1@cornell.edu>; Michael Winkler <mdw233@cornell.edu>
Subject: SpecColl_Archives Notes from last week's SC&A call
I’ve posted the notes from last week’s SC&A call at
https://wiki.folio.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=14456940. As you can see, one of the things we discussed is the future course of the working group. I’ll convene the WG through the end of this year, but will be looking to hand off to someone else after
Our weekly call’s at 2:00 PM Eastern/1:00 PM Central tomorrow (Monday).
Aaron Trehub
Assistant Dean for Technology and Head, Special Collections & Archives
Auburn University Libraries
231 Mell Street, RBD Library
Auburn, AL 36849-5606 USA
+(334) 844-1707 office
+(334) 750-1695 mobile
Skype: ajtrehub
E-mail: trehuaj@auburn.edu
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