Hi Aaron,


Thanks as always for your dedicated and diligent work for the FOLIO WG. I’m in the office on Monday, so I could be on the call (Julia is on leave) but I am actually leaving the Library and will start at the Smithsonian Institution as of 7/9. Julia will continue to carry the torch for the Library, and the Smithsonian also has a representative on the WG, so I will likely not be continuing to participate once I’ve transitioned over (my new position is outside the scope of the WG’s needs). I appreciate being included and hope that my small contributions have been helpful. If, once I’ve moved over there, I find that my work could and would be helpful to the WG, I will get in touch.


All the best,



Jeanine Nault | Digital Assets Specialist
Veterans History Project

American Folklife Center | Library of Congress




From: <speccoll-archives@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org> on behalf of Aaron Trehub <trehuaj@auburn.edu>
Reply-To: "speccoll-archives@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org" <speccoll-archives@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org>
Date: Friday, June 29, 2018 at 11:41 AM
To: "speccoll-archives@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org" <speccoll-archives@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org>
Cc: Sharon Wiles-Young <slw0@lehigh.edu>, Michael Winkler <mdw233@cornell.edu>, Rachel Fadlon <rfadlon@ebsco.com>
Subject: SpecColl_Archives SAA announces 2018 pop-up sessions; Monday's call




SAA announced the 2018 pop-up sessions at https://www2.archivists.org/am2018/program/pop-up-sessions. As you can see, ours did not make the cut (nor did the ePADD session, unfortunately).


Thanks again to Erin Faulder, Mike Thuman, and Sarah Schmidt for their work on this and their willingness to lead the session. We can discuss other ways to promote FOLIO and solicit input at SAA.


Which brings me to Monday’s call. I’m probably going to be on the road to Massachusetts again on Monday, either literally on I-81/I-78 or figuratively in the air corridor between Atlanta and Hartford/Springfield. I’d be happy to try to arrange a call if people want one—in addition to SAA, we do have a draft of the White Paper available for comments and editing at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bHtwQVj6P-689aLwIM-ITwlLdEcctQla. However, if everyone is OK with extending our call vacation through July 4 week, we can do that too. Feel free to let me or the list know what you would prefer to do.






Aaron Trehub

Assistant Dean for Technology and Head, Special Collections & Archives

Auburn University Libraries

231 Mell Street, RBD Library

Auburn, AL 36849-5606 USA

+(334) 844-1707 office

+(334) 750-1695 mobile

Skype: ajtrehub

E-mail: trehuaj@auburn.edu


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