Hello Folio Reporting SIG members,


I would like to give you an update about the FOLIO Tags subgroup. The Tags subgroup met twice last week (Wednesday and Friday) to discuss and define the v1 and post-v1 requirements for a tags app. The group will meet twice a week, Wednesday and Friday at 12:00 pm CT., March-April.


The tags app will be a cross-FOLIO app, available for any of the other apps to use, allowing for tags to be added to various FOLIO entities like funds, orders, inventory records, items, etc. Tags will allow for faceting/filtering search results, batching things that have similar characteristics, and reporting categories.


The group started an use case spreadsheet (see attached). Please review the attached document and let me know if you have comments, concerns or any feedback that I could take back to the Tags subgroup.


Please send your comments to me by Wednesday at noon so I can report back to the group.


Thank you,



Simona G. Tabacaru

Collection Development Librarian

Collection Development & Acquisitions Services

Texas A&M University Libraries

Sterling C. Evans Library

College Station, TX 77843-5000



Office: 979.845.8850

