just a warning: any time one opens the "Summary of General Report Types..." owned by George - the one with the "W" to the left - in the Google Drive Folder, and then clicks "open with google docs" on the top of the screen,
google drive creates a new document owned by the editor, with a page symbol to the left.
The document is not removed when one stops editing (and I guess the contents of the multiple documents are not merged).
We have to find a way around this ( I will think / try ).
Even the same editor (me) can create more than one document in this way!

Best regards

Dr. Ingolf Kuss
hbz - Hochschulbibliothekszentrum NRW
Postfach 270451
50510 Köln
Tel.: (+49) (0) 221 400 75-161
e-mail: kuss@hbz-nrw.de