Ingolf shared an overview of his reporting database model at yesterday's meeting.  He was going to work on it some more, and then I think post it to the minutes for broader sharing.  As far as I know, there hasn't been a product owner assigned to the reporting work yet, so we are just in the phases of getting things together.


On Sep 26, 2017, 8:21 AM -0400, Michael Winkler <>, wrote:

FYI. Don’t know if this SIG has generated any data that could be shared. It might be good to have some overlap with this small group from Acquisitions.

  • Michael



Michael Winkler

Managing Director – OLE (Open Library Environment)


Make an Appointment:


From: [] On Behalf Of Ann-Marie Breaux
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 2:25 AM
Subject: [folio-rm-t] Acquisitions Reports: Descriptions and Examples Wanted


Hi RM SIG Folks:


Stacks and the FOLIO Acquisitions Small Group will be discussing acquisitions reports in the coming weeks. In preparation for that discussion, please provide some information in replies to the Discuss post ( We can also set up a folder for sample reports if that would make it easier to share report examples.


Some questions:


1.  What are common reports run against Acquisitions data? (orders, invoices, funds, vendors)


2. Who is the audience for the reports? Selectors, Admin, End of FY


3. Scheduled or ad hoc? Frequency?


4. How detailed/broken down does the data need to be? For example, if analyzing a payment for a package, is there a need to assign cost for individual journals?


5. What other kinds of data does order/financial data need to hit against, e.g. bib data, circ data, COUNTER usage data, classification, what else?


6. Some examples - please provide other examples as well as sample reports (please remove any financial data if library considers it sensitive)


  • Usage data vs cost of online journals = cost per use report
  • Track costs across FYs to analyze trends
  • Purchases by title for endowed funds
  • Orders/purchases by subject area or selectors
  • Annual expenditures by various categories (type of order, format, subject, location, vendor, etc.)


Thank you for your help!


Ann-Marie Breaux

Vice President, Workflow Services Product Management

EBSCO Information Services

10 Estes Street

Ipswich, MA  01938

Mobile: +1-678-427-4875


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