Hi Lydia and team,

Here a quick follow up from Lynn Whittenberger (convener of the Metadata Management SIG) re. the working group on FOLIO's Codex and Data Model.



-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Reporting SIG representation on FOLIO Data Model & Codex working group
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2017 12:49:47 -0400
From: Lynn Whittenberger <lkwhitte@ncsu.edu>
To: Charlotte Whitt <charlotte@indexdata.com>, Kristin Martin <kmarti@uchicago.edu>

HI Charlotte-

Here's the announcement I shared with the MM SIG, feel free to send to the Reporting SIG.  (I know Lydia is retiring in a week, and probably has other things on her mind right now!)

Codex & Data Model working group is forming - with a goal of really fleshing out the data model and understanding how all of the record types (instance, item, holdings, order, patron, etc. connect together and relate to each other.

The group is looking for a representative or two from each SIG.  The list of current volunteers is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S8BcfsDWmg8upEtAHtdynQW7FN8rVy56G08H4dW9POQ/edit#gid=0

If you are interested in participating, please email Kristin Martin (kmarti@uchicago.edu) and let her know.

Lynn Whittenberger
Associate Head, Acquisitions and Discovery (Monographs)
NCSU Libraries