Reporting SIG,
At our last SIG meeting, we proposed a new structure for organizing our work, and everyone agreed this would be a good way for us to move forward. We are forming 3 subteams on the Reporting SIG to bring some focus to our work in the coming months. We would
like each member of our SIG to join one or more of these teams and to identify what kinds of roles and responsibilities you will take on as part of being on this team. Please note that we need 2 leads for the RA/UM Team, and one more lead for the MM Team.
Here are the teams:
(1) Resource Access/User Management Team
-looking for 2 leads; Angela Zoss will act as a lead for now
-members will help build report prototypes, build queries, identify priorities, etc. for RA/UM report development
(2) Metadata Management Team
-one of the team leads will be Kevin Walker
-looking for a second team lead
-members will help build report prototypes, build queries, identify priorities, etc. for MM report development
(3) Resource Management/Electronic Resources Management Team
-leads will be Scott Perry and Sharon Beltaine
-members will help build report prototypes, build queries, identify priorities, etc. for MM report development
Once you decide what you can do to help out, please update the "Work Activities/Roles" and "Work Team" columns on your entry on the
Reporting SIG Home page
in our wiki. The activities will be similar to what you put down on the Reporting SIG Roles Roster page if you had an entry there (I will probably retire this page once we move this information over to the home page).
Your team lead(s) will be in touch with you about getting started on projects and priorities. Each team may/may not decide to meet, since we don't want to
add meetings to people's schedules. It is our hope that using Slack and Email for team communications will work well to move things along.
We will share progress for each team and take a look at any issues that come up at our regular weekly Reporting SIG meeting on Mondays.
All the best,
Sharon Beltaine
Senior Library Systems Analyst
Cornell University Library
FOLIO Reporting SIG Convener
218 Olin Library • Cornell University
t: +1 607.255.9477 •