Laura, Kristin, Andrea, and Maura,
Greetings Conveners! The Reporting SIG is in the midst of planning session topics for the upcoming WolfCon in January 2020 (as are you, no doubt). As you know, we need to get those topics submitted by November 18. During the past Face-to-Face FOLIO conference in DC, the Reporting SIG offered functional area SIG-focused sessions for MM, RA, and RM to review reports in those areas with your groups. The general idea was to simultaneously share plans and gather feedback from you on report work in your areas. For WolfCon January 2020, we are wondering: 
We'd be delighted to hear any ideas or feedback you might have on this.

All the best,


Sharon Beltaine

Senior Library Systems Analyst

Cornell University Library

FOLIO Reporting SIG Convener

218 Olin Library • Cornell University

t: +1 607.255.9477 •


