Dear all,


As discussed in the meeting this morning, the Data Privacy working group did a first pass through all of the LDP reports listed in the original master reporting spreadsheet and identified those that may contain patrons’ personal data. I did not include employee personal data in this first pass, only patron. Please review the reports listed in this Google spreadsheet that have your name listed as the contact. Please also review the list of FOLIO personal data attributes.


As you can see in column E of the Google sheet, some of the reports have already been identified as definitely containing personal data. These are highlighted in pink. For the other reports, I wasn’t sure if they included personal data or not. Please review your listed reports and let us know whether they include any of the FOLIO personal data attributes. Then update column E of the Google sheet to say either “Includes personal info” or “Does not contain personal info.” This is only required of reports in the sheet that aren’t pink.


The people who need to take action are:

·         David Bottorff

·         David Larsen

·         Joanne leary

·         Mike Paxton

·         Scott Perry

·         Sharon Beltaine

·         Simona Tabacaru

·         Tod Olson, Christie Thomas


If you could all complete this task this week, that would be great.

Thank you!



Joyce Chapman

Assessment Analyst & Consultant

Duke University Libraries





The Duke University Libraries value diversity of thought, perspective, experience, and background and are actively committed to a culture of inclusion and respect.