Several new members have joined us recently, and there has been a request for some introductory information on participating in the Reporting SIG. Holly Mistlebauer and I (along with any "Reporting SIG veterans" who'd like to join us) will provide our newcomers
with information on:
adding your institution's reporting requirements to FOLIO
building, managing, tracking, and testing your FOLIO reports
how the Reporting SIG will work together to prepare each institution for going live with FOLIO reporting
how to use the Reporting Wiki, the Reporting Google Drive folder, and the FOLIO JIRA reporting epics
other questions as needed
If you are new to the Reporting SIG, please join us at our regularly schedule Reporting SIG meeting time for this special session on Monday February 11 at 9am EST. We
will use the standard Zoom meeting links found on the Folio Reporting SIG Wiki,
which I have added here below for your convenience.