
Yes, this seems like the best topic to work on next. Okay - Thank you!

All the best,


Sharon Beltaine

Applications Systems Analyst III

Cornell University Library

FOLIO Reporting SIG Convener

FOLIO Data Migration Subgroup member

+1 607-255-9477

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From: <> on behalf of Anne Highsmith <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 8:54 AM
Subject: Re: prototype eUsage next?
It sounds like a good idea to me. If the subgroup is blocked for the moment, then moving on to a new area make sense.

Anne L. Highsmith
Clinical Associate Professor
TAMU Libraries
5000 TAMU
College Station, TX   77843-5000
979 862 4234

On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 3:38 PM Sharon Marcus Beltaine <> wrote:

Reporting SIG,

In the Reporting Prototype subgroup, we have been working on some initial circulation reports and testing out various reporting applications against the Library Reporting Database. During our meeting today, Annika Schroer provided us with a demonstration of the eUsage app and we discussed setting up a data model to support reporting on data associated with this ERM-related app in Folio. 

During the Report Prototype subgroup meeting just now, we discussed the idea of working on a data model for the eUsage app, and agreed this would be a good project to work on next. As it turns out, some of the pieces we need for the circulation report data model are not quite ready yet, so we have gotten about as far as we can go with this area for now. 

The Report Prototype subgroup would like to go ahead and start working with Annika and Bjorn on a data model and reports in the area of eUsage statistics for the Library Reporting Database. 

The priorities for our work are set by the Reporting SIG, so I want to be sure you agree this is a good direction for us to take with our work right now. Please share your thoughts on this when you have a chance.

All the best,


Sharon Beltaine

Applications Systems Analyst III

Cornell University Library

FOLIO Reporting SIG Convener

FOLIO Data Migration Subgroup member

+1 607-255-9477

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