GOKb eBooks Decision Support & Availability Tracking Webinar

In this forum, facilitated by the Open Library Environment (OLE), GOKb developers will present new e-book features and enhancements, and share experiences based on the the pilot project with libraries in the UK. Participants will learn about the process for decision support data entry, how to view decision support for different platforms, how to set up availability tracking for title lists, and how to use email alerts. After the webinar, participants will also have the opportunity to register for the pilot and provide feedback on the evaluation of the features.

Registration Information:

When: November 2, 2016 from 11:00am-12:30pm EDT

Register Here: https://olf.webex.com/olf/onstage/g.php?MTID=eb83564533540bd7b1a0ff2365b4ce930

Community News

Welcome to our new volunteer Editors from Butler University, Florida Atlantic University, Savannah State University, University of Nebraska- Lincoln, Wake Forest University, and Wheaton College!

New Volunteer Training

The next workshop for new GOKb volunteers will be Friday, December 2, 2-3 PM EST via Webex. The session will include a brief orientation for new GOKb Editors and step-by-step training on the workflow for completing title histories. If you would like to register for the webinar, or would like to learn more about becoming a GOKb volunteer, contact Jennifer Solomon (jhsolomo@ncsu.edu).

Jennifer Solomon
GOKb Editor, Acquisitions and Discovery
North Carolina State University Libraries