Charlotte presented a compelling case for not doing the forum on Inventory until September 26th.  We will have all our new elements implemented then, but not yet on the 12th:

The plan for the Q3, 2018 release on October 1 is:

* September 14th - Feature freeze. No additional release stories pulled after this point.
* September 17th - Beginning of hardening sprint (sprint 47)
Everything that needs to be manually tested will be available in snapshot or snapshot-stable on the 17th including work submitted by external teams
* September 21st - Tagging of the Q3 release and all release stories must be reviewed by this point







Laura Wright (pronouns: she/her/hers)


Serials and E-resources Cataloging Manager

University Libraries

University of Colorado Boulder

Boulder, Colorado 80309

T 303-492-4847





Wearing the sensible shoes proudly since 1995