Hi Peter (and Sebastian and Heidi),
That’s very exciting news! I’d love to do anything I can to get involved and help support this.
While I was at ALA last month, I heard from a lot of librarians who are extremely dissatisfied with the Tipasa option, and who want a resource sharing platform that better fits with both the realities of our
work and with the ideals of resource sharing. I have a whole stack of business cards from librarians who wanted to hear more about open source options. Once there’s something to direct them towards, I’d be thrilled to help make that connection.
I also had the chance to talk to Anya Arnold a bit today, and she filled me in on what she’d learned through the FOLIO Slack (and now I’m on Slack as well). Anya also suggested starting a channel to talk about
resource sharing; I’m still new to this and don’t know the culture – would it be stepping on any toes to get some discussion going there now, or would it be preferable to wait until after the Resource Sharing group feels more ready?
Thanks again, and very much looking forward to learning more.
Kate Zdepski
Resource Sharing Librarian
W.E.B. Du Bois Library
154 Hicks Way
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003
Proud member of the Massachusetts Society of Professors (MSP/MTA/NEA), the union representing faculty and librarians at UMass Amherst, and supporting public education and labor movements everywhere:
From: Peter Murray <peter@indexdata.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2018 2:09 PM
To: Kate Zdepski <kzdepski@library.umass.edu>; Heidi Nance <hnance@upenn.edu>
Cc: forum_facilitators@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org
Subject: Re: SIG question
Hi Kate!
There is a kernel of truth in those rumors. The Resource Sharing group is being set up on a peer level with the ILS functionality effort...both under the Open Library Foundation.
(Or, put another way, it isn't a FOLIO SIG, which is why you didn't find it under the SIG heading on wiki.folio.org.) The primary driver for this kind of organization is to encourage participation in the Resource Sharing effort without having people think
that adopting the FOLIO ILS functionality is a requirement. The Resource Sharing group is the fourth open source software development effort to be chartered under the Open Library Foundation:
* GOkb
* VUfind
* Resource Sharing (sometimes known as "Project Prometheus")
The Resource Sharing group has been using the summer months to figure out how to organize itself and set up its governance, so there hasn't been an open call for participation
(yet). Heidi Nance, Director of Resource Sharing Initiatives for the Ivy Plus Libraries, is one of the leaders, and I'm copying her on this message. Sebastian Hammer of Index Data -- also one of the leaders -- is copied as well.
On Jul 25, 2018, 11:48 AM -0400, Kate Zdepski <kzdepski@library.umass.edu>, wrote:
If we’ve heard rumors about a SIG we’re really interested in being a part of but which doesn’t exist yet, how do we found out when it does/help get it off the ground? (In my case, Resource Sharing/Interlibrary Loan & Document Delivery)
Kate Zdepski
Resource Sharing Librarian
W.E.B. Du Bois Library
154 Hicks Way
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003
Proud member of the Massachusetts Society of Professors (MSP/MTA/NEA), the union representing faculty and librarians at UMass Amherst, and supporting public education and labor movements everywhere: umassmsp.org