Certainly able/interested in joining the call.


Ian Ibbotson
Knowledge Integration Ltd
35 Paradise Street, Sheffield. S3 8PZ
T: 0114 273 8271
M: 07968 794 630
Doodle: http://doodle.com/ianibbo

On 27 July 2017 at 13:34, Peter Murray <peter@indexdata.com> wrote:
(Lynn and Kristen: At yesterday's Forum Facilitator's meeting, I volunteered to host the FOLIO Forum on August 16 -- and Eric Hartnett passed coordination of the forum details to me.)

All:  At yesterday's Forum Facilitator's meeting we discussed ideas for a FOLIO Forum on the Codex.  Previously Lynn Whittenberger and Kristen Wilson agreed to present on the Codex -- Kristen reprising the talk that she gave at ALA Annual and Lynn talking more in-depth about recent decisions.  The new idea from yesterday is to then have a panel where Vince, Sebastian, and Ian join Lynn and Kristen to talk about the impact of the Codex and where we see work evolving.

Thoughts?  Would you be available to join the Forum Facilitator's call at 3pm Eastern U.S. time on Wednesday, August 2 to talk through the details?
