Hi Peter,

 Lisa Sjögren Will be presenting for Chalmers.


On Mar 10, 2020, at 8:40 PM, Peter Murray <peter@indexdata.com> wrote:

I'll be out tomorrow, too, as I drive back home from Code4Lib.  Do we know who the presenter from Chalmers will be?  If everything else looks good, I'll create the webinar registration form on Thursday.


Peter Murray
Open Source Community Advocate
Index Data, LLC
On Mar 10, 2020, 6:49 PM -0400, Hartnett, Eric J <ehartnett@library.tamu.edu>, wrote:

Hi everyone,


I will be returning from ER&L and will be unable to attend tomorrow’s meeting. I wrote up a short description and created a title for the April 1 Early Implementers Forum and ran it by the group and the only real feedback I’ve gotten so far is that “it’s good” from a couple of them. I’ve added it to the planning document.


Talk with you next week.



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