Here are my notes.
#FOLIOforum LDP Library Data Platform
Peter Murray-hello and welcome--here and YouTube live, Open Library Foundation channel
1. Introduction to the LDP: the design and implementation of the platform.
* Nassib Nassar, Index Data
LDP..analytic database..platform..accessed by usual tools and queries
data extracted every 24 hours
FOLIO database is optimized for extracting a few items at a time
LDP is meant to process large amounts of data...cross domain hoc query
written in C++
Possible to interact with AmazonRedChef
RedShift compatible (columnar.. scalable)
relational queries simplify Jason
* Angela Zoss, Duke University
3. Building FOLIO reports with the LDP: accessing the LDP database (compatible client-side database/reporting software, public reference environments for testing), data models (how tables are mapped from FOLIO modules, using API documentation),
creating report queries (relational tables, JSON data, support for arrays, the structure of complex queries), local tables (storing query results in user-created tables, integrating non-FOLIO data), and support for historical data.
Accessing LDP after loading data
select software..>..ex. connect with Tableau
tables appear on left
joins (visual icons of Boolean options) for two tables
good for creating visualizations dynamically
dBeaver...similar, with top line buttons
data models (how tables are mapped from FOLIO modules, using API documentation)
any key value pair can be converted into a relational field (with exceptions, complex data...other options)
<wireframe image>
+features: local tables-ex,legacy data, history
* Sharon Beltaine, Cornell University
2. The FOLIO reporting community: organization of the Reporting SIG (convener, working groups, JIRA issue management) and joining the Reporting SIG (weekly meetings, online discussion forums, help wanted).
4. Community-developed reports: requirements prototyping, query development, the shared FOLIO query repository, and guidelines for contributed queries.How we work: three functional team
RA/UM Resource Access - User Management prototypes, queries, testing
MM Metadata Management
RM/ERM Resource Management/Electronic Resources Management Reports
Looking for SMEs to contribute to report repository in LDP
Also to provide opportunity to experience working with Folio prior to implementation at institution.
one cluster can cover several reports
REP-### hundreds of requirements
UXPROD-### cluster
Prototypes include desriptions of attributes.
LDP Analystics Report Repository
Slack channels
#ldp-announce official announcements
#ldp-sysadmin implementing their own copies of library data platform
* Kevin W. Walker, University of Alabama
Library platform in practice
LDP and practical reporting: targeted retrieval of ILS data in support of library workflows and service...for assessment, metadata management, database maintenance workflows (discerning systematic patterns in bibliographic records)
Current state of ILS reporting
varies--canned reports vs. data access
NAID 533759 illustration from National Archives (stock ticket readers)
Data in ILS was not nec built with reporting in mind (data island)
designers often limit size...limit historical data..for transaction speed...unacceptable that reporting is limited to recently edited records
Importance of Ad-Hoc Reporting
supports unique needs of libraries, policies, unique MARC patterns, collection variations, supports advanced assessment
illustration from library journal
Value of the LDP
robust support for reporting workflows
all data in one place (cross domain)
historical data
supports external utilities
Ensures viability of FOLIO***
pull data into LDP from FOLIOapps-->LDP-->Connect to LDP via reporting software
advanced reporting workflows harvested from multiple standalone systems (FOLIO, external source or system (ex-Registrar), Legacy ILS data)
LDP as data source for Tableau, Rstudio, SPSS data and visualization software packages
Questions: real time project timeline-->working on proof of concept
LDP flags and notes-->
Library Data Platform is that the same as EBSCO analytics platform?
no-EBSCO's is a commercial product
the github repository reports are meant to be customized to your perameters (all are part of the report so match parts that you need and eliminate others)
Versioning? -->Software standards to organize versions. Used to manage schema change in FOLIO
* Nassib Nassar, Index Data
* Angela Zoss, Duke University
* Sharon Beltaine, Cornell University
* Kevin W. Walker, University of Alabama