I just chatted with Michael -- the limit has been lifted.  (This is something that the Zoom API won't let me do.)

On Apr 22, 2019, 9:00 AM -0400, Rachel Fadlon <rfadlon@ebsco.com>, wrote:



I wanted to confirm that we removed the cap on registrations for Forums?





Rachel Fadlon

Senior Marketing Manager, Resource Management & Open Source Projects

EBSCO Information Services

Office: (978) 356 6500 x3434

Mobile: (978) 626 2956


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From: Samantha Minnis <minniss@gvsu.edu>
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2019 9:54 AM
To: Folio Information <information@folio.org>
Subject: Introducing Project ReShare Webinar


CAUTION: External E-mail


Good morning,


I am very interested in your project ReShare webinar on April 24. Unfortunately (for me, fortunately for you!), the webinar is at capacity. Is there any other date that this will be presented on or would it be possible to get a recording of the webinar?


Thanks so much for considering,



Samantha Minnis

Operations Manager- Grand Rapids Campus Libraries

Grand Valley State University Libraries

120A Devos




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