Hello, has this webinar been rescheduled?
Gretchen Maxeiner
Reference/Cataloging Librarian
Henry Buhl Library
Grove City College
From: Forum Facilitators <no-reply@zoom.us>
Sent: Wednesday, January 9, 2019 10:52 AM
To: Maxeiner, Gretchen L. <MaxeinerGL@GCC.EDU>
Subject: FOLIO Year-in-Review CANCELLED for today
Hi Gretchen Maxeiner,
Please click this URL to join.
https://zoom.us/w/516909710?tk=RNWqUruIoWyxWmb6AQfuyRbr9rY09nfYODsqghnw278.DQEAAAAAHs9qjhZVSTlpZHNJZVFJeWNjN0dvVW1mdm5nAA&uuid=WN_11r22avWS8KaELdbHqIyfw Description: It has been a busy, exciting, and sometimes challenging year for the FOLIO project. The community of librarians, designers, and developers
has continued to grow and a number of apps are in various stages of development. Following the tradition begun in 2017, we’re reflecting on the past year and looking forward to what the coming year will bring.
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