Hi all,

We will hold a short RM SIG meeting on 7/20. So far, our only agenda item is to do a group review of the list of hardcoded acquisitions values: https://wiki.folio.org/display/RM/2018-07-20+Meeting+notes

Dennis shared this list through a Discuss post a couple weeks ago: https://discuss.folio.org/t/acquisitions-hardcoded-list-values/1937

We're hoping that a group review can help answer questions about these values and encourage more comments. It would be really helpful for people read through the list and the existing comments before the meeting Friday. You can find a link in the Discuss post above.

If you have any other agenda items -- or any Discuss posts of interest for me to highlight -- please let me know.

Kristen Wilson
Associate Head, Acquisitions and Discovery
North Carolina State University Libraries
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3509-3417