

Instead of having our usual RM SIG meeting this Friday, we are going to use our regularly scheduled time to have a joint RM/Inventory/ERM meeting on July 6. I’ve been in touch with the POs and conveners of the different SIGs and subgroups to make sure they can come, and you can view an agenda here:


We expect to take this discussion back to the relevant groups too—Metadata Management, Resource Management, ERM Subgroup, E-Holdings Subgroup, so if you haven’t been contacted directly by me, you don’t need to come to this meeting, although you are welcome to come. One way or another, I’m sure you’ll be hearing about it.


Happy July 4th, for those of you that celebrate it!




Kristin E. Martin

Director of Technical Services

The University of Chicago Library

1100 E. 57th Street - JRL 170

Chicago, IL 60637
