Hi folks,


We will meet tomorrow at 8:30 ET. The main item on the agenda: https://wiki.folio.org/display/RM/2018-04-27+Meeting+notes


Planning for WolfCon Resource Management Workshop

The below  links represent some useful background documents that could be helpful. Some people on the committee may be familiar with many of these examples, but newer members may not.

Previous individual workflow examples: For the RM Workshop in Boston, a small group of us gathered a number of individual workflows/examples of acquisitions processes and how we are currently managing them in our libraries. We collected these examples in a Google Drive folder. Because they may contain financial information or screenshots of current systems, this folder is not publically available. If you don’t have access to it, please request access, indicating that you are on the RM SIG (I might not recognize your email). Following that meeting, other members of the SIG contributed their specific examples as well.


Filip's consolidated workflow examples: From this meeting Filip Jakobsen consolidated information into some spreadsheets representing major themes and variations of specific workflows: one-time/first-time acquisitions, renewals, and financial management. We continued to build upon these for a while, and from this work Filip developed the initial prototypes for FOLIO.

eHoldings group requirements and workflows: The eholdings group has been working on requirements and identifying key workflows that can feed into the WOLFcon RM Workshop

Meeting minutes from last ERM subgroup: Some interesting ideas here about data modeling and different types of resources requiring management.

Harry Kaplanian is working on a draft agenda that we can revise during the meeting. There is some existing information here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jmjRAKBXJN2i1qPLOjdbeqi5xndTPyKzrDKuB8MeeBQ/edit#gid=732860285. But it’s a little hard to follow, and not well fleshed out. There will be two days with time devoted from 10:30-5, and one day from 10:30-12.


I realize these are a lot of links and information, so skim through what you can. Our goal for tomorrow is to try to finalize the schedule and to select (or think about how to select) the workflows to be discussed at WOLFcon. We don’t have to actually discuss the workflows in detail tomorrow.







Kristin E. Martin

Director of Technical Services

The University of Chicago Library

1100 E. 57th Street - JRL 170

Chicago, IL 60637

