Hi folks,


Here is our agenda for tomorrow’s meeting: https://wiki.folio.org/display/RM/2017-11-16+RM+Meeting+notes. The major item tomorrow will be invoicing.


Please note, we have a time-sensitive issue. In the PC today, we were discussing metadata need and activities of the MM SIG. There is a subgroup of the Metadata Management SIG doing a deep dive with Filip on the inventory app, which at the moment consists of a one-hour meeting tomorrow at 12 PM ET, and a half-day online workshop, of which I am still trying to find out the exact date. Here’s what I put on the agenda:


Metadata Management and Inventory

I can’t make the meeting tomorrow. If you think this would be of interest to you, let me and Charlotte Whitt know, and she can send you the meeting invitation and information on the half-day workshop. We don’t have to wait until tomorrow to finalize this.


Thanks and talk to everyone soon.




Kristin E. Martin

Director of Technical Services

The University of Chicago Library

1100 E. 57th Street - JRL 170

Chicago, IL 60637

