Hi Kristin,
I’d like to contribute MIT’s fund structure, except that I am co-chairing a committee this fall that is specifically looking at how to change the fund structure. Recommendations are due by 12/15, and we’re hoping to implement a new structure
by the start of FY2019, on July 1, 2018.
That said, I am doing a ton of research right now on fund structures, talking to other libraries who have recently made changes, etc. When/if I find something interesting, I’ll look at sharing that, with permission of course.
More later,
Kim Maxwell
Eresources Management Librarian
MIT Libraries | Cambridge | MA
From: folio-rm-t@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org [mailto:folio-rm-t@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org]
On Behalf Of Kristin Martin
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 3:37 PM
To: folio-rm-t@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org
Subject: [folio-rm-t] Fund Structures: Examples Wanted
Hi folks,
The Acquisitions subgroup would like some examples of the fund structures at your library. So far, they have been working from Texas A&M’s example, but additional examples would be helpful. Here is the information needed:
General Fund structure for your library
Can provide screenshots with narrative and/or a spreadsheet with the whole structure (For screens and overall structure, one at each level is fine. For overall funding structure, it would be great to have an overall outline)
Actual amounts don’t need to be shared if you would prefer not to.
Providing by the end of this week would be great.
Here is a folder in Google Drive where you can put your examples. It is limited to the RM SIG members. If you have trouble accessing, please request access:
Kristin E. Martin
Electronic Resources Management Librarian
The University of Chicago Library
1100 E. 57th Street - JRL 170
Chicago, IL 60637
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