Hi folks,


Here’s the agenda for Friday: https://wiki.folio.org/display/RM/2017-07-21+RM+Meeting+notes. I think we are up to Sebastian W. for minutes? If not, we can find someone else. Sadly, I also will have to miss this meeting because of a last-minute conflict, but Ann-Marie will facilitate.


I have had a chance to listen to last week’s meeting and review the work done. As a reminder, get your comments in by the end of today for the first version of the Work Package for physical monograph ordering. I created a Discuss post on this (admittedly a little late for this week) to try to reach a wider audience: https://discuss.folio.org/t/work-package-2017-07-12-order-physical-monographs-v-1-1-happy-path/1036, but I know this will be going through a few iterations.


Thanks for everyone’s hard work!




Kristin E. Martin

Electronic Resources Management Librarian

The University of Chicago Library

1100 E. 57th Street - JRL 170

Chicago, IL 60637

